Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Summer :D and Yes I'm BACK !!

Yes I'm back , I know I have been gone for away ... but school exams took most of my time but finally I'm finish from them and my summer holidays start.

I'm thinking of changing the blog, I mean I'm not going to write only on beauty and make up , I'll be writing about food , life , toughts , and beauty and make up , hair anything really if there something which I find interesting I'm going to share it with you lovely followers.

My Summer starts now yep :)) . And to tell you the truth am not ready lol. I haven't brought my swimsuit nothing, so next week I have some money saved and I'm going summer shopping... and this is the list of things that I'm looking for :
- A good tined moisturiser for my face ,
- A good sented sunblock , yes I wanted it sented becouse I don't want to smell of sunblock do I ? lol ,
- A great swimsuit ,
- A new Maskara which I do have 2 in mind to check out but you guys can let me now you fav one,
- A few bright liners not black,

So thats what I'll be looking for, if you guys have any good items which I mentioned and you just love them let me know and I'll defintly check them out, And if you guys want me to write about something anything let me know and I'll try and blog about it :)).